Gloria Diaz, Margie Moran congratulate Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray


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'And now we are 4!' says Miss Universe 1973 Margie Moran
Published 7:07 PM, December 17, 2018

JOB WELL DONE. Gloria Diaz and Margie Moran congratulate Catriona Gray for bagging the Philippines' 4th Miss Universe crown. File photos by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – The first two Miss Universe titleholders from the Philippines sent their congratulatory messages to newly crowned Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray.

Gloria Diaz, who won the title in 1969, praised Catriona's performance during the competition on Monday, December 17, in Bangkok, Thailand.

"I think she's perfect the way she is. Her advocacy for children – for poorer children, she's perfect," Gloria said in an interview on DZMM.

The first Miss Universe of the Philippines also said that if given a chance, Catriona should pursue a career as an international model.

"In my opinion, if New York offers her to become a model and she has the discipline, she should go for it. She should go international and be a model and be in the biggest modeling agency. And siyempre (of course) visit us so often because the Philippines is very proud of her."

Margie Moran, who duplicated the success of Gloria in 1973, told ANC: "She was excellent...but in the end, she nailed it in her answer [to] the final question. She really nailed it. She did very well."

On Instagram, Margie posted photos of the 4 Miss Universe titleholders from the Philippines – including the 2015 winner, Pia Wurtzbach.

"And now we are 4! Congratulations Catriona! You inspire us all." 

Pia, who was present at the competition in Bangkok, also congratulated Catriona and posed for a photo with her after the show.

Catriona succeeded Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters of South Africa. –


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