GOSSIP GIRL: Beauty queens react to new Miss Universe rule accepting married women, moms



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Published September 20, 2022, 11:22 AM by Giselle Sanchez

Giselle Sanchez (left) and Patricia Javier

Miss Universe Colombia has already made its announcement that it will now accept married women. Although the announcement is not yet official all over the world, it looks like this new inclusive rule will be implemented at the 72nd Miss Universe pageant in 2023.

Previously, the franchise already accepted transgender women in the person of Miss Spain, Angela Ponce, back in 2018. Gossip Girl was able to get reactions from the Noble Queens of the Universe who gathered to celebrate the opening of Doc Rob and Associates Chiropractic Clinic in Angeles, Pampanga last weekend.

The Noble Queen of the Universe franchise has been accepting married women ever since its inception, and here are the reactions of the married queens if indeed Miss Universe will start accepting married women.

Patricia Javier (Noble Queen of the Universe 2019): “The essence of these beauty contests, whatever franchise you belong to, is the advocacy of each candidate. So whether you are single, married, or transgender as long as you have a mission to change the world through your advocacy whether it be promoting self-love, lifestyle changes, environment, women’s rights, or anything that can empower women, I am for it. Congratulations to Miss Universe for such a bold decision. Our franchise supports you.”

JC Parker Aguas (Noble Queen International 2021): “If this news is indeed for real, it’s great, great, great! This is giving every woman a fair chance in joining beauty pageants. I know for a fact that there are married women who are equally beautiful, talented, and smart but cannot qualify for Miss Universe because they are already married. It is not a sin to fall in love early, get married, and have a family. That shouldn’t stop women from pursuing their dreams to become Miss Universe. This is women empowerment at its finest. Regardless of your state in life, whether you are rich or poor, single or married, every woman who dreams of becoming Miss Universe should have an opportunity to do so.”

As Noble Queen International 2020 myself, I am glad that the Miss Universe Organization (MUO) is now “woke” and has caught up with changing times. I know a lot of people may be against this decision of Miss Universe accepting married women and transgenders, but let’s look at MUO’s mission vision.

“Miss Universe Organization exists to advocate for a future forged by women with the courage to push the limits of what’s possible, who are curious about the discovery, and the audacity to do it again. We know how important it is to reach gender equity for the good of all people.”

This mission vision is the reason why Angela Ponce from Spain became the first transgender woman to compete on the Miss Universe stage in 2018. Let’s not even go so far, just last year, Miss Universe Philippines Beatrice Luigi Gomez was the first openly bisexual woman contestant to finish in the top 5 of the 71st Miss Universe pageant held in Israel.

So why exclude married women who wish to compete in the 72nd Miss Universe pageant, to be held in 2023? I must agree with Miss Universe 2020 Andrea Meza on her view on why others are opposing this new inclusive rule as she says: “A few people are against these changes because they always wanted to see a single beautiful woman who is available for a relationship. They always wanted to see a woman that from the outside looks so perfect that she’s almost unreachable. The former is sexist and the latter is unrealistic. There are a lot of women that got married young or had kids in their early 20s, and they always wanted to participate in Miss Universe but couldn’t because of the rules. Now those women can start or boost their careers in entertainment because of these changes.”



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