Guyana reportedly banned from competing in Miss Universe for next two years


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April 22, 20180142 

National director Jyoti Hardat, Miss Universe 2016, Iris Mittenaere and the newly crowned Miss Universe Guyana, Rafieya Husain at the 2017 Miss Universe Guyana Competition.

After being mired in controversy following the crowning of Rafeiya Husain as the representative to compete for the Miss Universe 2017 crown on the international stage, Guyana has now been reportedly banned from participating in the pageant for the next two years.

A committee member revealed that after complaints were filed which indicated that the Director of the Miss Universe organisation in Guyana ran an illegitimate competition, an investigation was launched by the pageant’s head organisation.

Based on findings of results tampering etc, director, Jyoti Hardat had now been allegedly fired and Guyana was given the ban. Inews tried several times to contact Hardat in New York for a response and confirmation but the calls went unanswered and were not returned.

The organisation will reportedly be issuing a press statement next week.

After Husain’s crowning at York College preforming centre in New York, the other delegates reported that the pageant was rigged and Husain was hand-picked as the winner even though she was not the rightful winner.

A number of committee members who confirmed the accusations by the delegate also immediately resigned.


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