Haley Wolfe, Miss West Fargo, named Miss North Dakota 2019



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By Jamie Kelly / Williston Herald on Jun 15, 2019 at 10:40 p.m.

Haley Wolfe, right, reacts as she's crowned Miss North Dakota 2019 by Katie Olson. Jamie Kelly / Williston Herald

WILLISTON, N.D. -- Haley Wolfe, Miss West Fargo, was named Miss North Dakota 2019 on Saturday, June 15, in Williston.

Wolfe edged out 19 other competitors from around the state and took over the crown from Katie Olson, who was Miss North Dakota 2018. Her talent was musical theater-style dance, and during the competition Saturday, she danced to an arrangement of "All that Jazz."

Wolfe will go on to compete in the Miss America pageant in September in Atlantic City.

Saturday's competition featured performances and interviews with the top 11 of the 20 finalists. It was emceed by former Miss America and Miss North Dakota Cara Mund.



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