Hanzhong to host global final of Miss Tourism World 2018



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| Wed, September 5, 2018 | 06:04 am

Longgang Bridge in the blue hour which is one of the landmarks in Hanzhong city, Shanxi province, China. (Shutterstock/File)

The tourism bureau of Hanzhong city, Shaanxi province, recently held an event in Beijing to announce that the city is due to host the global finals of Miss Tourism World 2018 on Sept. 27.

The pageant will feature candidates from over 60 countries and regions around the world, including the United States, France and Brazil.

The city is also hosting a series of activities about tourism throughout September.

Its deputy mayor, Cheng Saixian, said that the event would be a great opportunity for Hanzhong to showcase its rich tourism resources, culture and history.

Hanzhong recently unveiled its newly completed Xinghanshengjing scenic area, a complex of Han Dynasty (206 BC to AD 220) style architecture that focuses on the dynasty's culture.

With its rich biodiversity and ecosystem, Hanzhong is home to rare animals such as the giant panda and golden monkey. Tourists can enjoy forest parks, ancient towns and mountains and lakes.

In the spring, the region draws tourists with its patchwork of blooming rapeseed fields.

Data shows that the city had about 42.4 million tourist visits last year, an increase of 30 percent over 2016.



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