Happy and surprised, Hillary Joubert wins Miss Seychelles crown



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Victoria, Seychelles | August 27, 2017, Sunday @ 12:15

By: Sharon Ernesta Edited by: Betymie Bonnelame | Views: 565

Happy and surprised, Hillary Joubert wins Miss Seychelles crown
Hilary Joubert is Miss Seychelles 2017 and was also voted as Miss People's choice. (Miss Seychelles - National Pageant, Facebook)

(Seychelles News Agency) - Hillary Joubert is Miss Seychelles Another World 2017, clinching the title from among 14 contestants at the crowning ceremony on Saturday evening.

"I am very happy and wasn't expecting to be crowned, but I am very proud of myself," said a jubilant and emotional Joubert. "I thoroughly enjoyed my experience. It was something beautiful where I learned a lot. I will miss all the other contestants very much."

Petra Tamatave is the 1st Princess while Serah Jumaye was crowned 2nd Princess in the ceremony, which took place at the Avani Seychelles Barbarons Resort and Spa under the theme 'Miss Seychelles Another World -- Labote Seselwa - The pearl of Seychelles.

Petra Tamatave (left) is the 1st Princess and Serah Jumaye is the 2nd Princess. (Miss Seychelles - National Pageant, Facebook) Photo License: CC-BY

Joubert, 23, who hails from Glacis, a district in the north of the main island of Mahe, takes over the title from reigning Miss Seychelles 2016 - Christine Barbier. The newly crowned Miss Seychelles was also voted as Miss People's choice. Jumaye, the 2nd Princess, won best evening wear.

The project Joubert worked on for the pageant focuses on bullying in school, and she said that this is her priority.

"The situation where children are bullying other children is a big problem in our small society, and I hope to be able to get a facility to put these bullies and where they can be disciplined," said Joubert, who added that working with victims is as crucial as tackling the perpetrators.

Other awards presented at the ceremony went to Tracy Francoise as Miss Photogenic and Nerli Haide as Miss Personality. Angie Desnousse was awarded Miss Talent and Seychelle Worth, another finalist, won the Miss Sport and best project, which was "The Physical Fight Against Drugs.

The outgoing Miss Seychelles Christine Barbier was not present on Saturday night to crown her successor but posted on her Facebook page that she has had an amazing year.

"Full of discoveries and opportunities. I have met a lot of amazing people along the way. I have strived to excel at discharging my duties pertaining to my role," said the former Miss Seychelles.

Barbier also thanked everyone for their support and encouragement and wished her successor all the best.

The Miss Seychelles beauty pageant is only the beginning for the holder of the title. Also included on her journey will be representing Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, at the Miss World beauty pageant to be held on November 18th in Sanya, China.


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