Help Miss World Uganda 2021 get a USA visa to compete in the Miss World 2021 pageant


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Leah Kagasa criou este abaixo-assinado para pressionar Ministry of Foreign Affairs Uganda

Miss Uganda 2021 Elizabeth Bagaya is stuck in Uganda instead of being in Puerto Rico competing for the Miss World 2021 pageant because the USA embassy is not issuing USA Visas. The Ministry of Foreign affairs can change this by appealing to the United States Embassy for Miss Uganda’s USA visa. Miss Uganda 2021 Elizabeth Bagaya is fully vaccinated and COVID-19 safe. She is trending on social media as a top contender and has very high chances of winning the Miss World 2021 crown however if she is not able to go to Puerto Rico where the Miss World 2021 competition is taking place, she won’t have a chance to win.

Signing this petition will bring this issue to the attention of people who can help her move forward towards her goal. Miss Uganda 2021 needs your support. Please sign this petition.


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