Here's how Zozibini Tunzi led the natural hair movement


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26 December 2019 - 08:00 BY MASEGO SEEMELA

Mzansi stans with Zozibini's natural hair look! Image: Supplied/ Miss SA

Miss SA Zozibini Tunzi instantly became an inspiration to black women when she scooped the prestigious crown, while rocking her natural pixie cut.

Zozibini's decision to not wear a weave during the pageant instantly inspired other women to embrace their natural hair and beauty.

Soon after winning the title, she shared on Instagram that she hoped to make SA proud in her first post as Miss SA.

“Here sits the crown, beautifully so on my kinky coarse hair. I hope I make SA proud.”

Since her win, Zozibini sparked a nationwide movement that inspired women to rock their natural crowns.

Giving testament to this was the marketing director of American Swiss Zimbini Peffer, who told TshisaLIVE that a simple conversation with Zozibini, prior to her win, inspired her to rock her natural hair, which she dyed red to pink ombre.

She said when American Swiss unveiled the Buhle crown on August 5, Zozibini asked her why she wore a weave, as she'd seen pictures of her with natural hair.

“Zozibini then gave me the advice to rock my hair short and I am proud to say that I am rocking my hair short today, with a pop of colour. I believe that she is already starting to change lives.”

When asked why she chose her hair colour, Zozibini said it was because red signified energy and passion, and pink signified love and caring. “The colour is me expressed in colour. Plus, I have been told I look younger in my natural hair.”


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