Hirsch Coliseum transforms into a pageant stage for Miss USA and Miss Teen USA



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From an ice skating rink to a stage fit for a queen, the Miss USA 2018 crew have transformed George's Pond at the Hirsch Coliseum in time for Thursday's show.

The Miss USA preliminary competition starts at 7 p.m.

The judges' computers are ready, and the contestants are warmed up.

On Thursday, the 51 contestants had lunch catered by Superior Grill.

Paula Shurgart of the Miss Universe Organization, parent company of Miss USA, said Shreveport and Bossier City have a special place in her heart.

"Choosing Shreveport-Bossier was a personal goal of mine," she explained. "My first shows were actually here when I was vice president. The last time I was here was 18 years ago when we did Miss Teen USA. It's also been a dream of mine to combine Miss USA and Miss Teen USA events which are both really big events and not every community can handle it, so it was really nice. You cannot have more hospitality everyone has been so gracious and really made this happen, and you wouldn't be able to do that in most places."

Miss Teen USA finals will also be held at the Hirsch on Friday at 4 p.m. KTBS reporter Bia Roldan will be one of the judges.

Click here to watch the live stream.

It's the first time both pageants are being held at the same time.

With 500 crew members and contestants from both pageants, plus their family and friends staying in the area for at least two weeks, Shreveport-Bossier is expecting to reel in at least $4.5 million dollars, likely much more.



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