Homecoming celebration for Holly Brand Saturday



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By Cheryl Owens - August 11, 2021

Miss Mississippi Holly Brand will be welcomed back to her hometown of Meridian with a homecoming celebration this weekend.

Brand, who was crowned Miss Mississippi 2021 at the Vicksburg Convention Center on June 26 will be honored with a downtown parade on Saturday, Aug. 14, at 10 a.m. followed by a reception at The MAX at 1 p.m.

“We invite everyone to come to the parade and the reception for a chance to interact and talk with Holly,” said Angella Baker, local director for Brand. “There will be an informal backdrop for photos, along with hors d’oeuvres.

“She is an outstanding young woman and we would love for the public to come and support her.”

The parade begins at the Meridian Police Department, go over the 22nd Ave. bridge, take a right on 5th Ave., then another right onto Constitution ending at The MAX on Front St.

Brand will compete in the Miss America Pageant in December.



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