Horizon High grad, former Scorpion basketball player in running for Miss Mexico



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May 7, 2019 C B High Desert Life 0

Horizon High School graduate Ashley Alvidrez has come a long way in just a few short years, going from the hardwood court as a Scorpion basketballer to the runway as Miss Chihuahua.
Now with the help of her High Desert fans, Ashley has the opportunity to make it into the Miss Mexico beauty pageant in June.

In addition to continuing her education, Ashley recently won the Miss Chihuahua pageant, and can make the national competition with just a few clicks and likes.

The first elimination phase of the Miss Mexico Pageant involves a social media component, that allows the contestant with the most likes and shares to move on to the next round. According to the rules, 1 Like (me gusta) = 1 point, while 1 Share (compartir) = 3 points.

To support Ashley, fans simply need to head to her competition page on Facebook, share and like her photo.

The competition will be held at the Teatro Hermanos Dominguez of San Cristobal De Las Casas Chiapas This June 1st, and will be streamed live via the Miss México Organization webpage and Facebook.



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