How Maureen Montagne spent her first week as Miss Globe


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By Ron Lim Published On: November 16, 2021, 11:38 AMSCROLL/SLIDESHOW

It has been a little over a week since Maureen Montagne was named Miss Globe in Tirana, Albania, thanks to her flawless answer to the question “Do you think beauty is a merit and how can we enrich it with other values?"

Maureen won the crown after saying that beauty comes from within and that using it to help others is the best way to enrich it with other values.

“I believe that everyone has beauty inside of them and I believe it's our duty to share it to the world and to give back and to truly inspire others,” she said.

Her win has made her only the second Filipina to hold the title after Ann Colis' win in 2015, a fitting climax to a beauty pageant journey that started in July after she won the right to represent the country during the Binibining Pilipinas 2021 pageant.

While Maureen hasn't made her way home yet to get a proper homecoming and celebration, it doesn't mean that the newly-minted titleholder hasn't been getting started on her year-long reign.

Check out what Maureen has done during her first week as the 2021 Miss Globe in the gallery below.

Crowned queen
Photoshoots are the first thing on the schedule as Maureen starts her reign. This one was taken just two days after she was named Miss Globe 2021.

With the jewels
Maureen stuns in a dark blue outfit with the Miss Globe crown proudly on display.

Breaking news
Local news programs in Albania also had Maureen on as a guest. Here she is with one of the hosts of Albanian show 'Dite pas dite.'

White on the beach
Maureen is head-turner in this white swimsuit she wore during a photoshoot in the hotel she stayed in during her first week after winning the crown.

Finger heart
She may not be back in the country just yet, but Maureen is sending all her love.

Talk of the town
Maureen was also interviewed on another Albanian news program, 'Ora News.'

Making it official
Maureen signing her contract with the Miss Globe organization.

Meeting the community
Of course, Maureen made time to meet the Filipino community in Tirana, Alabania.


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