'Humanity Over Pageants': After Boycotting Miss Universe in Israel, Miss Greece Thanks Fans for 'Love'



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'I am disappointed in Miss Universe for this. It was my childhood dream for me, but I really don't care. I care about my people,' Rafaela Plastira says

Rafaela Plastira crowned Miss Greece in 2020.Credit: Screenshot/ Instagram

Ofir Hovav Nov. 25, 2021 5:17 PM

The winner of the Miss Greece pageant, Rafaela Plastira, expressed on Wednesday her appreciation for the support in her decision to not attend the Miss Universe pageant in Israel.

She posted on her Instagram, "It's so beautiful to see how much love and support and understanding I get from all of you...my guardian angels are there when needed."

"I am disappointed in Miss Universe for this. It was my childhood dream for me, but I really don't care. I care about my people. Humanity above beauty pageants," she wrote.

This comes in response to Plastira's original post in October, "I will not be attending Miss Universe this year, the reason for that is the country.

"I can't go up that stage and act like nothing is happening when people are fighting for their lives out there. Palestine lives in my heart forever."

Plastira's replacement, Katrina Kubotsky, announced that she will not be able to take part in the competition due to "health issues," and the person will represent Greece in the competition will be Sofia Arpogiani.

Last week, the South African government announced that it was calling on the winner of the Miss South Africa pageant, Allah Savannah, to boycott the pageant.

A statement issued by the South African Ministry of Sports, Arts and Culture said that the South African government would not support Savannah if it chose to participate in the competition in Eilat, because "the government, as the legitimate representative of the country's citizens It cannot link itself with a clear conscience to the atrocities that Israel is inflicting on the Palestinians."

The reigning Miss Universe said last week the long-running beauty pageant shouldn't be politicized, amid pressure on contestants to drop out in solidarity with the Palestinians.



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