‘I can’t wait to make a difference’: Kathleen Paton ‘blessed’ to be Miss Eco International 2022



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MAR 22, 2022 11:43 AM PHT RAPPLER.COM

Kathleen is the second Filipina to bring home the Miss Eco International crown

MANILA, Philippines – Kathleen Paton is ready to start her reign as Miss Eco International 2022 after winning the crown on Thursday, March 17 in Cairo, Egypt (early Friday, March 18 in Manila).

“Philippines, we did it. I am speechless,” she said in an Instagram post alongside photos of her crowning moment.

The 24-year-old Australian-Filipino beauty queen bested more than 40 candidates in the competition to bring home the country’s second Miss Eco International crown. Philippines’ Cynthia Thomalla first won the title in 2018.

She continued, “My heart is full of mixed emotions – I’m sad knowing the everyday adventures and activities with my eco sisters are over, but with storms always comes the sunshine.”

Paton added that she’s “excited with the knowledge and responsibility” that comes with being the Miss Eco International titleholder. “I can’t wait to make a difference with my platform – this opportunity will be one I will make sure I do with all my heart, passion, and soul.”

She also addressed Miss Eco International 2021 Gizzelle Uys, saying that she’s inspired by her. “I have big shoes to fill but I am reassured knowing you’ll always be there for me.” Paton went on to thank all those who have supported her in her pageant journey, which she described as a “whirlwind of adventure.”

“I will cherish this experience for the rest of my life. I am blessed beyond words,” she said.

In a separate post, Paton also shared her first official photos as Miss Eco International 2022.

She also shared that she’s already coming back to the Philippines, but will return to Egypt in May to continue her activities as the reigning Miss Eco International queen. – Rappler.com



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