I miss the crown says Manushi Chillar



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THE HANS INDIA | Feb 21,2019 , 05:08 PM IST

I miss the crown says Manushi ChillarI miss the crown says Manushi Chillar
Manushi Chillar in 2018 presented the Miss World crown to her successor Vanessa Ponce De Leon from Mexico. Talking about the same she confessed to missing the crown.

Manushi interacted with media at 'The Nykaa Femina Beauty Awards 2019' on Wednesday.

Asked how it feels to have given away the crown and to return back to what was before she said, "That one year has been a lot of responsibility but now I also quite relieved. It is bittersweet. I miss my crown but at the same time I see so much more out there for me."

There were also speculations of Manushi following her Pagent winning predecessor and becoming a part of the entertainment industry.

Asked to comment on the same now that the year is over, she said, "I'll be honest with you I haven't been around Mumbai, I don't know how things work here. And last one year I was so busy that now I finally got the time to actually understand anything. And I don't want to do something just I am getting an opportunity. I also want to do justice to it and for that, I am going to learn, understand more and take things slow. If there is something coming up everyone will find out."

Miss World 2017 also said that being confident is what attracts her to people. "I think beauty and style for me isn't something you wear but if you are confident in yourself and are unapologetic of who you are, then you are beautiful to me. And style is an expression. It's your personality and however, you wish to express it."

Chhillar is the sixth representative from India to win the Miss World pageant after Aishwarya Rai and Priyanka Chopra.



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