ICYDK, Miss Universe Queens Pia Wurtzbach, Demi Tebow, And Iris Mittenaere Share A *Special* Filipino Connection



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It has to do with their crowning moments!

by ANDIE ESTELLA | April 29, 2022

Iris Mittenaere, Pia Wurtzbach, Demi Tebow attend Miss Universe Philippines 2022


The queens have arrived! Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach, Miss Universe 2016 Demi Tebow, and Miss Universe 2017 Iris Mittenaere have reunited to share a special stage—they'll all be co-hosts for this year's Miss Universe Philippines 2022 competition!

In a fun set of Instagram Stories shared on the Miss Universe Instagram account, the queens shared several fun facts about their *Filipino connection.* Here's what the trio had to say:

Demi: “Hi everyone! We are in the Philippines, reunited. We’re so excited. Fun fact.“

Iris: “Pia, she crowned me here in the same venue.”


Demi: “And Iris crowned me, and I crowned another Filipina [Catriona Gray, Miss Universe 2018].”


Demi: “So, so excited to be here. We’re all hosting the Miss Universe Philippines show tomorrow. How are you guys feeling?”

Iris: “Oh my god I’m so excited to be here with you. It’s been a long time.“

Pia: “I know, I haven’t seen you guys in so long!”

Pia: “We’re so excited to share with you guys the surprises that we have in store. So I hope you guys tune in tomorrow for the finals.”

Iris: “It’s going to be amazing.”

Demi: “Yeah, you gotta watch! Don’t miss out.”

Aww, we're so excited to see these three as hosts for what's sure to be a special night! Which candidate are you rooting for?




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