'I'm excited for this year': Meet Miss Louisiana 2020, Courtney Hammons



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Bonnie Bolden, Monroe News-Star Published 7:00 a.m. CT June 17, 2020

Miss Louisiana 2020 Courtney Hammons takes her first walk with the crown on Tuesday in Monroe, Louisiana. She's cheered on by Miss Louisiana 2019 Meagan Crews and Miss Louisiana Outstanding Teen 2020 and 2021 Chanley Patterson. (Photo: Matt Sanches/The News-Star)

"I am up for the challenge of 2020, and I'm excited for this year," said Miss Louisiana 2020 Courtney Hammons.

She's not competing for the crown, but that doesn't mean Hammons is taking the work of being Miss Louisiana 2020 any less thoughtfully than her predecessors.

In a normal year, about 30 young women undergo a weeklong job interview for the state title, which leads to competing at the national level. Attempts to slow the spread of coronavirus have halted that in all 50 states.

In May the Miss America Organization announced that the national competition and all state-level events are canceled in 2020. Some queens continued their contracts for another year.

Miss Louisiana: Miss Louisiana 2019 ready to take wing

Miss Louisiana 2019 Meagan Crews is continuing her education at the University of Louisville in Kentucky this fall.

Story continues below the gallery

The Miss Louisiana Organization crowned Hammons on Tuesday afternoon in the lobby of the W.L. "Jack" Howard Theatre in Monroe. She's taking the title without a competition week or the ability to compete for the Miss America title.

"It is a very difficult year. It's going to be a challenging year. I mean, 2020 had not been rainbows and sunshine, for sure. But I do want people to know that this is important to me, and it's important for me to let people know that I take it seriously. And I want to represent every Louisianian as best as I can. I want to make my state proud, and I don't take it lightly," she said.

The pageant to find Miss Louisiana 2021 is set for for June 19, 2021.

All the young women who already earned titles this year are grandfathered in. The field of candidates, however, has not been finalized. Some might want to pursue other opportunities in their careers or personal lives. Candidates cannot be married and compete for Miss Louisiana.

History of competing in pageants

Hammons was the first runner up to Crews as Miss Louisiana Tech 2019. She also won her talent preliminary by playing piano.

Hammons has been part of the Miss Louisiana Organization since she was 14 or 15 and started as a high school freshman. Her first time to compete for the Miss Louisiana title was in her sophomore year of college.



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