India wins the first Miss Teen International crown in 27 years


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Class 11th student trained in Kathak Classical dance also won Best in National Costume

Published: December 22, 2019 15:59  IANS

Aayushi Dholakia Image Credit: Supplied

New Delhi: Miss Teen International is the oldest running teen pageant in the world and in 27 years we haven't had a winner from the Indian subcontinent. All this changed when 16-year old Vadodara based Aayushi Dholakia won the crown for India. The event was held in the Kingdom of Dreams on 19 December 2019.

The class 11th student trained in Kathak Classical dance also won Best in National Costume award and Best in Speech Award. 22 countries were vying for the international crown; Yessenia Garcia from Paraguay came as the First Runners-Up and Anicia Gaothusi from Botswana came as the Second Runners-Up.

Dholakia impressed judges with the answer to her final question: "Do you think the world would be a better place if we just had one world government and no separate countries?"

Image Credit: Supplied

To the question, she answered: "I don't think that the world will be a better place if we had a single government and no separate countries as all the countries are divided on their geographical area, people, their ideas and opinions. All the world and political leaders are well aware what is better for their countrymen and people. Being an Indian, I strongly believe in "Vasudhaiva Kutumakkam" which means the world is one large family. So, irrespective of the different countries and government we all are one family. So, irrespective of the different countries and government we all are a family and are bounded by love and peace."

Thu Phan from Vietnam won Miss Teen Asia, Maria Luisa Piras from Italy won Miss Teen Europe, Anicia Gaothusi from Botswana won Miss Teen Africa and Alessandra Santos from Brazil won Miss Teen America.


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