Introducing the 16 Semifinalists for 2020 Miss Hong Kong Pageant


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By addy on July 23, 2020 in Hong Kong, NEWS

The 2020 Miss Hong Kong Pageant is well under way, and the 16 semifinalists went public for the first time on Thursday, July 23 to have their first formal greeting with the press. The girls wore matching white tops and blue jeans.

According to MHK tradition, one to two semifinalists would get booted out during the overseas segments for the show. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is unlikely that the pageant will go international due to traveling restrictions. TVB has not announced details of this year’s preliminary disqualification round yet.

Adhering to social distancing and sanitation protocols, the organizers prepared a sanitation center for all press. Reporters interviewed the candidates with a clear board between them. While taking group photos, the girls kept a distance from each other as a safety precaution.

Our 16 semifinalists were chosen from nearly one hundred applicants. Check them out below: 

Amber Chan (陳煦凝)
Age: 24
Height: 162.5 cm
Weight: 43.3 kg
Career: Financial Planning Assistant
Education: Secondary school


Uki Law (羅雪妍)
Age: 25
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 49.3 kg
Career: Beauty Editor
Education: Technical degree


Sonia Leung (梁懿婷)
Age: 22
Height: 164.5
Weight: 52.5 kg
Career: New grad
Education: College


Kelly Lin (連佳麗)
Age: 24
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 44.6 kg
Career: Entertainer
Education: College


Jessica Liu (廖慧儀)
Age: 24
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Career: Flight attendant
Education: College


Ceci Mak (麥詩晴)
Age: 23
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 54.6 kg
Career: Sales Assistant
Education: College


Rosanna Tsz (謝恩靈)
Age: 18
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 56.2 kg
Career: Student
Education: Secondary school


Yancy Wong (黃婉恩)
Age: 26
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 50.2 kg
Career: Assistant Account Manager
Education: Master’s degree


Casa Yuen (源菲然)
Age: 21
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 52.3 kg
Career: New grad
Education: College


Charmaine Fan (范倩雯)
Age: 23
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Career: Marketing Assistant
Education: College


Celina Harto (陳楨怡)
Age: 23
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 49.5 kg
Career: Interior Design Intern
Education: College


Michelle Hau (侯嘉欣)
Age: 23
Height: 170.5 cm
Weight: 51.9 kg
Career: New grad
Education: College


Roxanne Ho (何孟珊)
Age: 24
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 53.8 kg
Career: Nurse
Education: College


Rosita Kwok (郭柏妍)
Age: 22
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 46.6 kg
Career: Student
Education: Master’s degree


Maisie Kwong (鄺美璇)
Age: 24
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Career: Investment Banking Sales Analyst
Education: College


Ivy Lai (賴琪媛)
Age: 20
Height: 164.5 cm
Weight: 50.4 kg
Career: Marketing Manager
Education: Secondary school


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