Jenelli Fraser wins Miss Belize Universe 2018


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Posted: Sunday, August 26, 2018. 7:00 a.m. CST.

By BBN Staff: Jenelli Fraser has won Miss Belize Universe 2018.

Fraser was crowned as the new Miss Belize Universe last night at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts in Belize City.

She was crowned by former Miss Belize Universe 2016, Rebecca ‘Bex’ Rath.

Before the competition, Fraser expressed her excitement to the possibility of becoming a beauty ambassador for Belize, “ I’ve never been so excited about the possibility of winning and being an ambassador for my country. It’s amazing the things you can accomplish when you believe in yourself. Thank you to everyone who has been sending me kind messages and words of encouragement. It means the world to me to know that the Belizean people respect me and trust in me.”

Fraser will represent Belize at the 67th edition of the prestigious Miss Universe pageant.

The pageant is scheduled to take place on December 17, 2018, in Bangkok, Thailand.

BBN congratulates Jenelli Fraser.


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