Jessica Fong crowned 2019 Miss Fiji


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By Priteshni Nand

Saturday 16/11/2019 

Jessica Fong has been crowned the 2019 Miss Fiji. 

She was Miss Suva last year.

The First Runner Up is Miss Labasa, Alitia Kautoga. 

The Second Runner Up is Miss Lautoka 2019, Cristal Kapoor, the Third Runner Up is Miss Ovalau 2019, Samantha Whippy while the fourth runner up is Miss Nadi 2018, Kirisitiana Uluwai.

Fong has dedicated this win to a close family friend who is battling cancer and wants her to be strong. 

She also acknowledged her parents and siblings for always supporting her in everything she does. 

Fong hopes that young girls and women are empowered by her achievement and they keep moving forward despite the challenges they face in their lives.

She says she is looking forward to advocate the progress Fiji is making and the issues affecting women and the country in the 2019 Miss South Pacific Island Pageant Contest. 

Meanwhile, Miss Fiji's Organizing Committee Chairman, Div Damodar thanked the committee members and all the stakeholders in making the event a successful one.

Miss Fiji has one week to prepare for the 2019 Miss South Pacific Island Pageant Contest and represent Fiji.

The 2019 Miss South Pacific Island Pageant Contest will be held from 25th November in Papua New Guinea.


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