Journey to the national stage: Campbell woman prepares for Miss USA Pageant


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It's a goal Sthephanie Miranda set for herself when she was 18 years old

by: Carolyn Sistrand

Posted: Oct 16, 2020 / 09:25 PM EDT / Updated: Oct 16, 2020 / 10:29 PM EDT

CAMPBELL, Ohio (WKBN) – A woman from Campbell was crowned Miss Ohio USA and is now preparing to compete at the Miss USA competition.

“Campbell, Ohio, we call it ‘soup city,'” said Sthephanie Miranda.

In less than a month, Miranda, a 2012 Campbell High School graduate and 2018 Youngstown State alum, will head to Memphis, Tennessee, to represent the Valley and the State of Ohio at the Miss USA Pageant.

It’s a goal she set for herself when she was 18 years old.

“The Miss USA system, volunteers, you are working for your community, you are giving back, you are growing with your own community. That’s the biggest thing that stood out to me,” Miranda said.

Miranda wants to use her Miss USA stage to shed light on the suffering that families experience when a loved one has Alzheimer’s, just like her grandmother. She has helped care for her since she was 14 years old.

“It’s hard to see your loved one go through all of that. Of course, the patient suffers, but the caregiver suffers way more because they are really living in it and they’re going to remember it and not forget it, and they’re going to live on with the disease until their body gives out, which is the hardest thing a caregiver could see,” Miranda said.

It took Miranda four tries to make it this far, but as the first Puerto Rican woman to represent the state in the Miss USA Pageant and the first woman from Campbell to hold the Miss Ohio USA title, she hopes her journey can inspire other women, or anyone for that matter, to follow their dreams.

“I want people to understand that it doesn’t matter where it is that you come from — the smallest city around here, Campbell — I’m off to Miss USA,” she said.

Miranda will compete for the Miss USA title on Nov. 9, which is also her 27th birthday.


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