Karen Ibasco hands over Vietnam's first Miss Earth crown



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Jan Milo Severo (philstar.com) - November 5, 2018 - 1:02pm

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines failed to win twice in a row as the country’s representative, Celeste Cortesi, settled at the top 8 of the recently concluded Miss Earth 2018 held in Mall of Asia Arena.

The Filipino-Italian model bade her goodbye after failing to expound on the subject “#malnutrition” at the competition’s hashtag round.

"My perspective on malnutrition actually depends on my values and beliefs. I think that it’s about respect, and I think that respect is the key to serve the purpose of our knowledge and humanity," Celeste said in the round.

Vietnam's Phuong Khanh Nguyen won the ultimate Miss Earth 2018 title, while Melissa Flores of Mexico was named Miss Earth Fire, Colombia's Valeria Ayos as Miss Earth Water and Austria's Melanie Mader as Miss Earth Air.

Though she failed to take home the crown, Cortesi won special awards, including “Beauty of Face and Poise,” “Beauty of Figue and Form,” and “Intelligence and Advocacy.”

Miss Philippines also ranked fifth overall in pre-pageant activities, including a gold medal for resort wear; silver medals for swimsuit and evening gown; and a bronze medal for the National Costume competition.

Last year’s title holder, the Philippines’ Karen Ibasco, passed her crown to the new Miss Earth from Vietnam, giving the country its first Miss Earth title.



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