Kelly-Mary Anette proud to represent Seychelles


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Miss Intercontinental Beauty Pageant |11 October 2021

Miss Anette is being put through her paces by one of her mentors Alma Artiaga (Photo: Louis Toussaint)

“I am very proud to represent my people at the upcoming Miss Intercontinental Beauty Pageant and even if I do not win a prize I will make sure that I give my very best to make my people and country proud.”

Miss Seychelles 2020, Kelly-Mary Anette, made this statement at her last training and advice session for her participation in the 49th Miss Intercontinental Beauty Pageant which will take place in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt from October 14 to 30, 2021.

The training and advice session was held on Saturday morning at the Roche Caiman community centre. She left the same evening for the international beauty pageant competition the final of which will take place on October 29, 2021 at the Sunrise Grand Diamond Beach Resort.

Her chaperone at the competition will be Lisette Lablache, who is expected to meet up with her at the competition later.

“Since being crowned Miss Seychelles 2020, I have always dreamed of myself representing our beautiful little country at an international competition and I am very proud that now I will be able to do that for my people,” said the reigning beauty queen, who noted that being a very patriotic person, she will also promote our country in all aspects on the international scene.

As there will be no artistic components in the competition, Ms Anette, who also clinched the ‘Miss Talent’ title at the Miss Seychelles National Beauty Pageant on the evening of December 7, 2020, at the International Conference Centre (ICCS), said although she would have liked for such a talent competition to feature in the Miss Intercontinental Beauty Pageant, she will take every available opportunity to showcase her artistic talents during side events and through friendly activities among the contestants.

The reigning beauty queen said that she will give her best at the competition and even if she does not win a prize, giving her best will be the trophy for her.

“I will give my best and from the best I will see how it goes. I know my ability and intellectual capacity and I can say I am ready because I have trust and confidence in myself,” she added.

The 25-year-old beauty queen said she was very happy with her preparation and training which have been taking place for the past few months and she is ready for the competition.

She had had mental and physical trainings from several mentors including her catwalk and posture exercises from Alma Artiaga, an American international model who has been living on and off in Seychelles for the past twelve years, namely at Eden island.

“We’ve been learning runways, photo movements and interviewing skills to better prepare her for the competition. Since I’ve known her, I have seen her blossom into this amazing, talented, sophisticated woman and model spokesperson and I am very happy and proud to work with her and I know she will make Seychelles proud,” Mrs Artiaga said.

Stephanie Duval, the chairman of Beauty Empowerment Seychelles, said that knowing the ability of Ms Anette, they are convinced that she will excel in the competition.

She wished her the best of luck and also thanked all those who have in one way or another helped our beauty queen to make it to the competition.

Carol Benoiton, who was a past judge at the Miss Intercontinental Beauty Pageant held in Seychelles in 2007 and who has also helped with the grooming of Ms Anette, said that our beauty queen has all the necessary qualities and that she will shine at the competition.

Miss Seychelles 2007, Solana Domingue, represented our country at the competition which was held at Le Meridien Barbarons Hotel on October 3, 2007. The winner of the competition was Miss Lebanon, Nancy Afiouny.

This year’s competition in Egypt will go according to the rules and procedures of the Miss Intercontinental Organisation (MIO). There will be preliminary judging and delegates with highest scores will advance to the final where they will be further judged on their performance in the preliminary interview, swim wear and evening gowns for the crowned Miss Intercontinental title. Cash awards will also be given out among the prizes.

Ms Anette was crowned as Seychelles’ Beauty Queen at the Miss Seychelles National Beauty Pageant along with Shannen Henrie as First Princess and Elsia Françoise as Second Princess. The event was organised by Beauty Empowerment Seychelles.

Miss Anette’s project is called the ‘Maylene’s Hope Foundation’ aimed at providing counselling support to semi-orphans, like herself. She lost her mother when she was still a young child.


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