Kildare is represented by two contestants in this year's Miss Ireland pageant


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Kildare is represented by two contestants in this year's Miss Ireland pageant

Fiona Ni Threasaigh and Alannah Pardy 17 Jun 2021

Kildare is well represented this year at Miss Ireland with two contenders for the coveted Miss Ireland crown. Miss Kildare is Fiona Ni Threasaigh, 21 years of age from Maynooth. Fiona is currently studying animal science in UCD with the goal of someday going on to study veterinary or go into animal research.

Miss Kildare North is Alannah Pardy, a 20-year-old college student studying Digital Media and Marketing also from Maynooth. Alannah is a competitive GAA footballer and has been lucky enough to play county level football and represent Kildare in past years.

Established in 1947, Miss Ireland has been the launch pad for many eminent, successful, and inspiring women in Ireland. In recent years the Miss Ireland Franchise has raised over €250,000 for various charities including Laura Lynn, Temple Street, Alzheimer’s Ireland, Pieta House, The Cari Foundation and this year are proud to partner with Variety Ireland, an Irish charity helping sick, disadvantaged and children with special needs since 1951.

The 18th Century Killua Castle in County Westmeath is the stunning venue for Miss Ireland 2021. The privately owned castle dates back to 1740 and has been lovingly restored to its former glory. This year the final of Miss Ireland will be a spectacular outdoor show against the magical backdrop of this dreamy castle on September 5th 2021. Current Miss World Toni-Ann Singh has been invited to jet in from Jamaica for the sparkling highly choreographed show which will feature a dramatic light display and an eclectic mix of music and entertainment as the 30 finalists descend a magnificent outdoor stone staircase to the castle gardens.

“Rainbows remind us of possibilities, opportunities and hope which is why we chose this theme to announce our finalists this year” said Brendan Marc Scully, Director of Miss Ireland “We are delighted to be able to bring back Miss Ireland with a kaleidoscope of colour after such dark times. The live event in September will also be live streamed and all preparations are and will continue to be fully compliant with to Government COVID19 health and safety guidelines for entertainment production”

The winner of Miss Ireland 2021 will receive a lucrative agency contract and a host of prizes including jewelry, gowns, a professional photo shoot, beauty and hair products and then go on to represent her country and take part in the 70th Miss World festival which will take place in the stunning Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico in December this year.

Virtual heats have been running all over the country to find contestants from each county with beauty, poise and personality to take part in the forthcoming Miss Ireland 2021 competition. Full details on Miss Ireland 2021 are available on the new Miss Ireland App now available from Apple App Store or Google Play or from or follow @missirelandorg on social media.


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