Krisztina Nagypál crowned Miss Hungary 2019


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JUN 24, 2019

The grand finale of the Miss Hungary contest took place on Sunday with Krisztina Nagypál crowned the winner.

Nagypál will now represent Hungary in the Miss World competition held in Thailand in December.

The first round of the competition took place earlier this month, featuring 20 of the girls. Sixteen were selected to continue to the final. Broadcast live by Duna Television, the event featured a runway show, music performances and a Q&A.

The Miss Hungary contest was first held in 1985, and is widely considered the most-popular beauty contest in the country.

Previous winners include Andrea Szarvas, Virág Koroknyai and Tímea Gelencsér, who all won generous financial support, sponsorship deals, traveled well and secured public speaking opportunities alongside the Miss Hungary title.



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