KSAMC ratifies presentation of 'Keys to the City' to Miss World



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The Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) on Tuesday at its offices in downtown Kingston ratified the conferment of the Keys to the City of Kingston that was presented to Toni-Ann Singh, Miss World 2019 late last year.

Councillor for the Stony Hill Division, Tosha Schwapp, moved the resolution, which was seconded by Councillor for the Vineyard Town Division, Andrew Swaby, and supported by councillors Suzan Senior, Dennis Gordon, Kari Douglas and Eugene Kelly.

The resolution said the KSAMC saw it most fitting to confer the Keys to the City of Kingston on Singh, in recognition of her awesome and momentous achievement on being crowned Miss World 2019.

According to the resolution, Singh brought joy and happiness to the people of Jamaica and the Diaspora by winning the Miss World pageant, which is considered the most prestigious international beauty event across the globe.

Schwapp said Singh made Jamaica proud and will help to promote Brand Jamaica.

“We have conferred the keys because we are proud, not only as Kingston, but we are proud Jamaicans to know that this little and tallawah young lady has placed us on the map again,” said Schwapp.



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