Lamar High School graduate Madison Dorenkamp, Miss Colorado USA, says background shaped her


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Lamar High School graduate to compete for Miss USA on May 2

By Catherine Reyes

Lamar Ledger

POSTED: 04/07/2019 10:28:33 AM MDT

Madison Dorenkamp, 25, a Lamar native, who now lives in Denver, was named Miss Colorado USA on Oct. 28 in Greeley. (Courtesy Photo / Daily Record)

Sydney Boehler, Miss Teen Colorado USA, and Madison... (Steve Peterson / Courtesy Photo)

On May 2, Lamar's own Madison Dorenkamp, Miss Colorado USA 2019, will compete alongside 50 other women for the title of Miss USA 2019 in Reno, Nev.

Although Dorenkamp, a 2011 Lamar High School graduate, has traded in the small-town life for the city, she still misses Southeastern Colorado. She said she loves her life in Denver, but she misses "Lamar a lot."

"I would not be the person I am without having the background I came from," Dorenkamp said.

The background she speaks of includes the loss of not only an important family member, her grandmother, but also her home during a tornado while she and her family were inside.

She states her grandmother is someone she aspires to be because she had a good work ethic, strength even after all the hardships she endured in her life and she never once complained. Dorenkamp said her grandmother was a huge influence on her life and was one of the strongest women she ever met.

Dorenkamp said where she comes from gives her a different perspective than the other girls.

"It is really cool to come from an area where everyone knows you," she said. "Those roots in that community and the aspect of growing up in a small town is huge. I believe that it will play a huge part in Miss USA for me."

While growing up in the area, she grew up watching pageants and at about 18 or 19 years old, she was watching Miss USA and "wanted to be that girl."

"I want to be everything that she embodies, have that vibrant personality, and be the person that I know I am capable of being," Dorenkamp said.

Dorenkamp's best friend, Gabrielle Hammer, said she is highly qualified to hold the title of Miss USA.

"She is fiercely dedicated, has the kindest heart, is approachable, and has a great platform to stand on," Hammer said. "She is and always has been a fighter. After her home was destroyed in the Holly tornado, she could've let that define her after her grandma passed away, she could've let that do the same, and even after not winning Miss Colorado four times, she still came back and came back confident.

"If she's willing to fight for her dream and other successes that hard, imagine what she can do in terms of volunteerism, service, community support and more. Her failures and successes have made her into a great role model, and if that doesn't make her qualified to hold the title, I don't know what does."

With the community, her friends and family supporting and rooting for her, it is time for her to prepare for Miss USA.

Dorenkamp said journaling is a big part of prep because it helps develop your answers for the interview section of the pageant and you can pull memories that will connect to people. Dorenkamp also focuses on walking, but walking in heels and doing it gracefully is a feat in its own. She also does interview prep on a regular basis, as well as keep up on current events by listening to podcasts and reading.

Dorenkamp said she wants to know enough about current events to form her own opinion and having that knowledge is important if she makes it into the top five.

Lastly, Dorenkamp preps for Miss USA 2019 by focusing on the mental aspect of the pageant itself. She said the women competing are at Miss USA for two weeks and live on someone else's schedule during that time.

"You have to be very mentally in the game," she said. "And be nice. You have to be very outgoing and kind because ultimately the role of Miss USA is a job, you have to be that person who walks into the room, and people want to be friends with you."

Dorenkamp said her intentions are so pure for wanting to do Miss USA. She said her background and mindset are two reasons she hopes will help her win the Miss USA pageant.

"I think part of this comes from competing for five times. I think if you can be in a pageant five times and never win but you grew as an individual, you are winning," Dorenkamp said. "If you are going in there to win as an individual and do your best, you're winning because it takes so much to get on a stage in 5- or 6-inch high heels and strut your stuff in a swimsuit and then be so intelligent in an interview."

To girls who aspire to follow Dorenkamp's example or pursue pageant life, Dorenkamp said to be yourself.

"I have a hashtag #ownyourdifferent. I want people to be themselves and be the best version of themselves," Dorenkamp said. "Don't try to fit the pageant mold. Fit your own mold. You can beat to the tune of your own drum and be so confident and successful just being you."

Prowers County residents can view the pageant at 6 p.m. May 2 on FOX to show support for Dorenkamp.


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