Las Cruces engineer crowned Miss New Mexico USA


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Diana Alba Soular, Las Cruces Sun-News Published 6:23 p.m. MT Feb. 1, 2018

(Photo: Robin Zielinski / Sun-News)

LAS CRUCES - A Las Cruces mechanical engineer was crowned Miss New Mexico USA in a statewide pageant held recently at Oñate High School. And she hopes to use the role to inspire children, especially girls, to become engineers and scientists.

Kristen Leyva, 23, was born and raised in Las Cruces, attending Desert Hills Elementary, Camino Real Middle School and Oñate High. Her mother was a single parent who became a mechanical engineer, and, in doing so, inspired her daughter to pursue the same career.

Leyva recalls having a "persistent curiosity" as a child that got her into trouble once when she dismantled the family computer in hopes of finding out how it worked.

Her mother worked as an engineer for NASA on White Sands Missile Range. And, recognizing her daughter's interest in science, opted to take her to work on an important day: the launch of a crew vehicle for the International Space Station. Leyva said she saw her mom as a "rock star" that day and wanted to be like her.

After graduating from high school in 2012, she opted to attend New Mexico State University, where her mother had attended, because she thought it was a high quality program. And, having a close bond with her mother and older sister, she wanted to stay close to home.


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