Last but not least: Germany crowns its Miss World representative


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The last candidate to be elected to compete in the 71st Miss World Festival is Miss World Germany, Aleksandra Modic.

MISS WORLD FEB 15, 2024 3:14 AM EST

Aleksandra Modic, a 24-year-old student from Wetzlar, was crowned Miss World Germany 2024 on Saturday, February 10, at the Kreative Media Studios, in Duderstadt. As she emerged as the winner of her national competition from a group of 5 finalists, Modic became the last national representative crowned to compete in the 71st Miss World Festiva, to be held in India.

She is a passionate advocate for environmental protection and animal welfare. Aleksandra has a Bachelor of Arts and is currently working on a master's in International Marketing. She enjoys playing tennis and spending time with her dog.

The German representative has always dreamed of competing at Miss World: "I am honored and humbled to be chosen as Miss World Germany 2024. It is a privilege to represent my country and culture on the global stage. I look forward to meeting the other contestants and sharing our stories and visions for a better world."

The Miss From Germany pageant is an annual event that celebrates the beauty, intelligence, and talent of German women. It aims to empower women to become positive role models and agents of change in their communities and beyond. It is also a platform that showcases its reality show to promote the competition.

Miss World Germany will soon be joining a group of 120 Beauty With a Purpose ambassadors vying to become the next Miss World. The 71st Miss World Festiva will take place in India, starting on February 18th and having its grand finale on March 9th, at the Jio World Convention Centre, in Mumbai. SonyLiv will live-stream it, at 7 PM (GMT 1:30 PM).

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