Lawrence honors Miss Massachusetts with key to the city where she was raised


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By Shaylen Vitale | 15 hrs ago

LAWRENCE — The City Hall lobby was crowded with friends, family and other spectators as Gabriela Taveras, the newly crowned Miss Massachusetts, was presented with a key to the city by Mayor Daniel Rivera on Tuesday.

Wearing a her crown, sash and a burgundy dress, Taveras stood at a podium with Rivera and became one of just three people honored in this way during the mayor's five years at the helm of the city.

Taveras, a 23-year-old Lawrence native, became the first-ever black woman to win the title of Miss Massachusetts on June 30. She was selected over 27 other contestants and now will move on to the Miss America Pageant in September in Atlantic City.

The Lawrence ceremony opened with the singing of the national anthem by Briannette Villa, a rising senior at Georgetown High School and friend of Taveras.

A letter of congratulations sent by U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-Lowell, was read by Wanda Ortiz, Tsongas' constituent services representative in Lawrence.

"She's helping people understand the spirit of Lawrence. She's a prized citizen," Rivera said. "It's important for us as a city to honor a citizen who reflects the best in the community".

Rivera read a list of scholarships and awards Taveras received through the years, including scholarships from the YMCA and Emmanuel College. He further highlighted the various community service projects Taveras contributed to through the years.

"I'm overwhelmed with happiness to see so many familiar faces," Taveras said from the podium.

She recalled her eighth-grade graduation, where a teacher expressed her surprise at Taveras receiving a diploma.

"That was the day I decided to shatter every ceiling around me," she said.

Taveras said she hopes other children from Lawrence succeed by seeing her example.

"This isn't about what I can accomplish, but for any child growing up in Lawrence," she said. "They can truly be able to do what they want, as long as they are willing to work hard and be ready to sacrifice."

She paid homage to the city where she was raised.

"If it was not for my culture, my community and for the people I have met for the past 23 years, I would not be Miss Massachusetts," she said.

Taveras' mother, Maria Taveras, and her younger sister and brother attended the ceremony.

"It's a big deal seeing your little girl accomplish this," her mother said. "It's surreal sometimes."

Sister Elizabeth Taveras said, "(This) highlights how much black women can make an impact in our society."

Joining Taveras and Rivera at the podium was 9-year-old Lyahnette Morales. Morales is part of the Miss Massachusetts Mayflower Program, which provides mentoring sessions with Miss Massachusetts contestants and gives girls under the age of 12 a behind-the-scenes look at the competition. Taveras was the contestant mentor to Morales, whom she has known since Morales was a baby.

Morales was given an award and bouquet of flowers by Rivera.

Yanet Bernabel, the mother of Villa and Morales, said she believes Taveras has the potential to set the example for generations to come.

"She's an outstanding role model. Children need to look at younger community role models and she is the prime example, especially for my daughters," she said. "They can look at her and see not only all her hard work, but also her success, as well. It's empowering."


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