Learn more about LIVA Miss Diva 2021 finalist Ayesha Assadi's life story



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Sep 13, 2021, 05.20 PM IST

“Don’t wait for the right opportunity; create it,” is the mantra that Ayesha Assadi follows in life. Ayesha Assadi is a girl born in Abu Dhabi and raised in the Gulf. She truly stewards India as an amalgamation of the two most divine religions. Being born to a Muslim father and Hindu mother has led to a diverse range of interests for her to indulge in. Her parents always showcased true love, and she only believed in humanity and being a good person. Beauty feels that if you are a good person, success will only follow.

Ayesha faced many issues during her childhood and was bullied a lot for not being academically inclined. Talking about it, she said, “For me, my journey has always been of constant learning, whether it’s following my dream of achieving my goal. I was not good at my studies because I did not want to pursue maths and science. But, I always knew that I wanted to take on modeling and be a fashion designer. I worked towards my goal regardless of what people said because my family was extremely supportive. After all, they knew that this tigress only follows what she wants to and not what someone tells her to because she truly believes in her heart.” She has been modeling since she was 13, and that propelled her to start her own fashion brand.

The diva lived in Muscat for 16 years and then moved to Victoria International School of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE. Her life perspective changed; she realized that she has always been an Indian at heart by staying true to her values and beliefs. Speaking about it, she said, “No matter wherever you are, on an international stage or classroom, you are an ambassador of India. And you are going to represent this diverse, multicultural country of celebration. I was always a patriotic Indian, and I gained that confidence of believing in myself, and I was mocked for having an accent, and I feel proud because the Indian accent is the best in the world.”

She describes herself as result-oriented, fierce, and confident. The beauty then moved to Istanbul to follow her passion in fashion designing. As an 18 year-old, she thought that her journey would be extremely fun, but later realised her responsibility and felt, ‘I’m the main character of my story, and I need to be the best version of myself.’

Ayesha was offered an internship in Paris at Fashion University, but she followed her heart and participated in LIVA Miss Diva 2021 co-powered by MX TakaTak and Kailon. She wanted it because she realised that she has battled with a lot of things in her life. Even during the pandemic, the diva was diagnosed clinically depressed. She has grown like a phoenix over the years. She wants to share her story and feels that this pageant will provide her the opportunity to amplify her voice for a better cause.
"It is an absolute honour to be a part of LIVA Miss Diva 2021. It has brought me one step closer to achieving my dream, and I have already become in the Top 20 of such beautiful girls with 1600 applications and to be in the Top 20 is a win in itself. And I stand here with girls from around the country, from different religions, cultures, and values, and knowing that I'm a part of it is absolutely amazing, and one step closer to my dreams does not end here,” she said, sharing her excitement on being one of the Top 20 finalists.

She further added, "The last one week before travelling to the diva house and I think it's been a joy ride through and I'm extremely grateful for it. My mother has come all the way to just drop me and spend a week with me, and that was such an important thing for my life. Because it's so important to be surrounded by our loved ones, especially when you are embracing such an important journey of your life, this has been the highlight of my memory and also creating content, getting love from different pages, and even while entering the diva house, the enthusiasm, the energy meeting different girls, I think that has been the most beautiful memory of my life."

Fiercely, passionate, and a go-getter, Ayesha wants to ardently wish to create a safe environment for child and women abuse survivors. She also wants to become a climate warrior, spread awareness about climate change, and voice her thoughts, and she stands up for those in need. Talking about the cause, she said, "Well, the cause I want to work towards ardently is that of education. I believe education is not a luxury but a lifeline. Children need to be in schools and not on the streets whether they're refugees, come from an economically challenged background, or do not have the opportunity. We as a community need to come together and eradicate this — education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope, and hope produces peace."

Besides her sister, there are two beauty queens that Ayesha looks up to is Miss Universe 1994 Sushmita Sen and Miss Universe 2000 Lara Dutta.

Talking about Sushmita Sen, the diva said, "I believe that Miss Sushmita Sen is absolutely amazing, and she, in fact, reached what I truly believe in. I have included this from her as she spoke about empowering young girls, and she started from her own home. We know that adopting an Indian is still a taboo and it's not widely accepted, but for her to accept as a single mother has truly changed the majority perspective."

While speaking about Lara Dutta, she said, "Lara is still the current Miss Universe India because even after 21 years when you look at her, you get goosebump because she is so captivating and being Miss Universe or a diva is being a good orator, expressing yourself not from your mind but from your heart and this queen have taught me that."

Ayesha wants to see herself winning back the crown for India at an esteemed platform like Miss Universe and inspire people to work hard towards their goals. Furthermore, she wants to be a successful model, actor and shed some light on sustainability in fashion using her brand. She also wants to teach different lessons that she has learned in these upcoming years and spread positivity and happiness at the end of the day.

In the end, note, giving a piece of advice to today's youth Ayesha said, "You will never be somebody, but the good news is, no one will ever be you. Stay true to yourself! Be a good human being, and success will follow." With exceptional abilities and confidence, she takes this chance to bring a change in society. And we wish her all the best for her run at the national pageant of LIVA Miss Diva 2021 co-powered by MX TakaTak and Kailon.



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