Liberia’s Representative to Miss Africa Competition Departs for South Africa


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By Admin Last updated May 21, 2019

Monrovia – Beautiful Miss Farsina Princess Farmah alias Miss “Heritage” has departed the country to represents Liberia at this year’s Miss Africa Continent beauty pageant in South Africa.

Report by Jackson F. Kanneh-0770195412 /

The 22-year-old model, a student of Cuttington University in Bong County, is competing with models from other African countries, and she is opting to scoop the prestige crown.

Farmah main contender at the competition is Cameroonian Queen Sylvia, who leads the voting poll by 555 votes.

Others Contestants, Comoros islands beauty Queen Youmy Lah Crameuse, Zimbabwean Queen Vimbai Florence Nyamukapa, Namibia Queen Tracy Ndahekelekwa, of the International University of Management ( Windhoek, Namibia), Lesotho

Other are: Nyakallo Motaung, Botswana Queen, Goitsemodimo Lorato Mabe and Kenya Jane Nyambura.

Farmah finished as first Runner up to Georgia Bemah at the 2019 Miss Earth Liberia’s Beauty Pageant after beating 19-years old Cleopatra D. Speared of Grand Bassa County.

She departed the Country for Johannesburg on Saturday, May 18, 2019, to participate in the Miss Africa Continent Pageantry.

Miss Africa Continent is an annual international beauty pageant run by ProAct Communications. It is one of the largest beauty pageants globally and one of the most anticipated beauty pageants on the continent of Africa.

Founded in 2014 by Lionel Neo Mashishi, a Film Producer / Director, the pageant has become one of the celebrated events on the African continent.

Contestant used the event to showcase their country’s culture. The competition is seeking to empower and expose diverse African young women as well as showcasing the African culture to the world.

It also affords the winner and the two runners-ups the platform to tell the African story to the outside world.

The competition also highlights the challenges facing the continent of Africa, ranging from corruption, women abuse, poor health system, and bad governance.


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