Local teen vying for Miss America's Outstanding Teen title



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EASTON — Easton High School Senior Katie Allen might look like your average Mid-Shore teen, but she’s actually a lot more than that. Katie has reigned as Miss Baltimore’s Outstanding Teen since March and took home top honors to become Miss Maryland’s Outstanding Teen 2018 in June.

Now the 16-year-old is currently in Orlando, Fla. representing Maryland in the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen pageant. But winning pageants is nothing new for Katie, who has been competing since she was a toddler.

“I got involved in this program when I was three years old, I was a princess,” she said. “I remember looking up to the older girls and I was always really inspired. To be a younger girl in a program that has so many older girls to look up to is really great.”

Katie had to compete in a local level pageant to qualify for the Miss Maryland’s Outstanding Teen pageant. Since there wasn’t a pageant on the Eastern Shore, she had to find another option.

“Just winning Baltimore’s outstanding teen, I was thrilled,” Katie said. “I was thrilled to have a title so well known. If I couldn’t be on the Eastern Shore for the title, I was so happy to be representing a city that is so well-known in the state of Maryland.”

To get to the state level, Katie competed in a private panel style interview process that included a talent portion, a lifestyle/fitness portion and finally the evening gown. She competed against girls from all over Maryland and came out on top during the ceremony on June 23 at the Historic Maryland Theatre in Hagerstown.

“When I was crowned Miss Maryland’s Outstanding teen, I was so excited. It was so awesome and such a great surprise,” she said.

The Miss America’s Outstanding Teen preliminary competition runs from July 24-27 and the final night will be July 28. Katie said she is grateful to be a part of the Miss America program because of the scholarships and other opportunities it has given her.

“Preparing for Miss America’s Miss Outstanding teen is a dream come true. To say that I’m one of 50 girls competing on the Miss America stage is really awesome,” Katie said. “The Miss America program is really unique compared to a lot of other pageant systems. I think what makes it so special is it’s the leading scholarship organization for women all across the world.”

For now, Katie is focusing her energy on the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen competition. She doesn’t know if her future will include competing for the title of Miss Maryland. Katie plans to become an orthodontist and has won several in-kind scholarships already.

“I’m figuring out what I want to do and where I decide to do it, which will be a factor in competing in the Miss Maryland program,” Katie said.



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