Local woman to be one of first mothers to compete for Miss Kentucky



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BY KEEGAN HARRIS Commonwealth Journal Jan 14, 2023

All women are queens, but to be crowned Miss Kentucky or Miss America, you previously couldn’t also be a wife or a mother.

However, that’s all changed and local woman Rachel Rose Coomer Phelps has thrown her hat into the ring for the title of Miss Kentucky.

“I’ve always been on the line about doing it, but I got married young, so it was kind of out of the question then because they never allowed wives and mothers to do it,” said Phelps. “They sent me a bunch of paperwork and I filled it out write some essays and stuff and pictures, and they let me know whether or not I was a contestant.”

Officially, Phelps will be competing under the title of Miss Somerset. The pageant is in February and she’s excited to get it underway.

Still, she’s a bit nervous, she admits. She’s been praying about the competition which has helped soothe her nerves. On top of this, she hopes her participation can serve as inspiration to her daughters.

Phelps has two girls: four-year-old Sophia and two-year-old Lorelei. Phelps is a young mom at 21, and she wants to ensure her girls get a good role model.

“I just really want to do it to show my two girls and also other girls that you don’t have to choose between being a mom and having a career or competing in sports or pageants or anything,” said Phelps.

Phelps feels it’s important for young women to have strong values and feels that choosing between a career and being a mother negatively influences these values.

“I’m pro-life, so I just think it’s really important to show people you don’t have to choose,” she says. “You can have your career. You can do everything you want to do. Be a mom and just have your values, and stand up for what you believe in.”

While the competition won’t have a talent portion, Phelps has been warming up her voice in case she’ll need to have a talent at a later event. Phelps has been singing since she was child but has only been performing in front of people in the last few years.

“I was already really shy about it,” she said.

Phelps hasn’t yet received the outfits she’s ordered as of press time, but she said they should arrive soon.

There are three categories: swimsuit, interview, and evening gowns. There’s also a cocktail dress she’ll wear for the introductory period, but this outfit is not factored into the final scores.

One of her favorite dresses will have a lace trim and be black—a bold color choice for today’s style.

“I’m trying to go modest and more classy styles,” said Phelps. “It won’t be showing certain areas … even my swimsuit, it’s going to be modest. I’m not trying to go out there in a bikini or anything. I’m just trying to be conservative about everything.”

Phelps is trying to represent all of Kentucky. While a lot of women competing will be from bigger cities, she wants to bring rural flair to the competition and show off her country girl truth.

Phelps has begun farming and is raising a wide assortment of fruits and veggies. Her pumpkin patch didn’t shape up how she wanted, but she said her watermelons and green beans are to die for.

“I just want to give God the glory for all this because He’s really opened the doors for me,” said Phelps.


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