LOOK: Rabiya Mateo channels Priyanka Chopra as she celebrates 800K Instagram followers



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Posted at Apr 30 2021 12:31 PM

Rabiya Mateo (left) and Priyanka Chopra. Photos from @rabiyamateo and @priyankachopra on Instagram

MANILA -- Rabiya Mateo channels Priyanka Chopra's red carpet look at the 2018 Met Gala in what she referred to as her "favorite" photo shoot so far.

The Philippines' representative in the upcoming Miss Universe pageant shared photos of her wearing an outfit similar to Chopra's as she celebrated 800,000 followers on Instagram.

"Thank you for the love! I can't believe I already reached 800k followers here on IG. From the bottom of my heart, 'Palangga ko guid kamo tanan,'" she said.

"As a gift to all my followers, here's my favorite layout shoot I had in the Philippines," she added.

In an Instagram post, photographer Seven Barretto said their shoot was inspired by Chopra's best dressed look back in 2018.

Chopra is an Indian actress who won Miss World in 2000, while Mateo is a Filipino-Indian who is aiming for the Philippines' fifth Miss Universe crown.

The 69th Miss Universe competition will be held in Florida on May 16 (May 17 in Manila).



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