Louise Victor to represent Saint Lucia at Miss Universe Pageant



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November 3, 2017

Miss Universe Press Conference

(PRESS RELEASE) – The rich cultural diversity coupled with the colorful history and the resourcefulness of the people of the sun drenched Caribbean island of Saint Lucia will be showcased internationally when Saint Lucia joins over 100 countries fielding representatives to the 2017 Miss Universe Pageant.
Saint Lucia’s representative to the 66th anniversary pageant set for November 26th in Las Vegas, USA is beauty and youth advocate Louise Victor.
A past president of the National Youth Council and a national Carnival Queen, Victor is an acclaimed social activist and a 2017 Chevening scholar perusing studies in International Public Relations and Global Communications Management at Cardiff University in Wales.

Louise Victor.
Miss Universe is the most prestigious spectacle in the world of pageantry. However the event has transcended being just another beauty pageant to become one of the biggest platforms for social and economic empowerment for women. Victor won the title of Miss Universe Saint Lucia on July 31st, 2017.
“A confident woman has the power to make real change, starting in her local community with the potential to reach a global audience. It’s against this backdrop I encourage every woman to get out of her comfort zone, be herself, and continue to define what it means to be Confidently Beautiful says Victor.
Local National Director Joycie Mederick says, “Annually nearly ten thousand young women participate in Miss Universe pageant events. While we are a competition, the women who participate also learn to help one another and create a network of friends and colleagues on which to draw support.”
The competition runs for 3 weeks with contestants being challenged in various categories. They include interviews where delegates have an opportunity to promote their country or Island and raise awareness to their chosen causes, platforms and charities. It extends to costume which is considered the parade of Nations. During the 3-week long event, delegates will also compete in photo shoots for various global sponsors. The competition finals will be aired on FOX.
Saint Lucians both home and abroad are being encouraged to support the cause and vote by downloading the Miss Universe app via Google play store for Android users and Apple store for iPhone users. Official dates for commencement of voting will be announced subsequently.
This year marks the 40th anniversary since the first representative Iva Lua Mends represented Saint Lucia in Santo Domingo in 1977. Saint Lucia has been represented at Miss Universe 6 times.
The Miss Universe title comes with a yearlong contract, global travel representing the Miss Universe Organization as well as promoting the winner’s country. Included in the prize purse is a penthouse in New York Towers and many endorsements from international companies and brands.



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