Lydia Simonis gives back to the Cook Islands & Pacific Islands


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While Simonis is participating making the Cook Islands proud, she’s also persuading young girls to follow their path.

SNS Web | New Delhi | October 4, 2019 10:29 pm

Photo: Mr Shaun Bonett & Ms Lydia Simonis with HRH Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace in 2018

Beauty is nothing if it isn’t skin deep. Every year, we see hundreds of pageant winners across the globe, but very few of them use their influence and following to bring a positive change in the world around them. Reigning Miss Cook Islands, Lydia Simonis is one social media influencer and pageant winner who is the epitome of ‘beauty with a purpose.’

Simonis has been Miss Cook Islands for the last 2 years not just because she’s gorgeous, but also because she truly believes in giving back to her community.

She has represented the Cook Islands at some of the biggest pageants in the world and even won further titles.


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