Mai Phuong set to vie for Miss World 2023 crown in May


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20/01/2023 09:11 (GMT+07:00)

Huynh Nguyen Mai Phuong, Miss World Vietnam 2022, will compete in the Miss World 2023 pageant when it takes place in May.

“When Karolina Bielawska hands over her crown to the 71st Miss World in May 2023 she will have broken all previous records having visited more countries, raised more funds and supported more humanitarian projects than any previous Miss World!” the Miss World organisation wrote on its page to announce the event.

Mai Phuong, 23, stands at 1.70 metres tall and measures 82-63-92 cm. She has plenty of experience taking part in beauty pageants. In 2018, Mai Phuong was crowned as the winner of Miss Dong Nai University 2018.

She continued to compete at Miss Vietnam 2020 and was placed among the Top 5 of the pageants with the special award Beauty with a Purpose.

In 2022, she returned to compete in beauty pageants once again by participating in Miss World Vietnam, going on to win the top prize in the process.

In recent years, Vietnamese representatives have gained some of the top prizes at the Miss World pageant. Indeed, Luong Thuy Linh reached the Top 12 in 2019 and Do Thi Ha was placed among the top 13 finalists back in 2021.

Source: VOV

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