Maino crowned Miss PNG


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September 2, 2019The NationalMain Stories


SAFETY and cost of airfare and accommodation are factors that result in a low number of tourists to PNG compared to other Pacific island nations, according to newly-crowned Miss PNG Lucy Maino.
Maino, 23, from Kairuku in Central, outclassed five other woman to win the crown at the Stanley Hotel and Suites in Port Moresby on Saturday.
She was announced winner after midnight in an event which started late and was plagued by technical glitches.
During the show, Maino, who was sponsored by Paga Hill Estate, was asked why the tourism numbers were low in PNG and what should be done.
She said: “We need to be aware and educate those within our communities about how tourism can help our country.
“It starts with simple things such as social skills, and customer service. Things that will help with tourism retention.”
A princess by heritage in the Mekeo custom, Maino also bagged awards for Miss Friendship, best sarong wear, best talent and best traditionally inspired dress – a tapa strapless dress with bird-of-paradise headpiece designed by Cynthia Chapman.
Maino, a business administration graduate from the University of Hawaii, also co-captained the woman’s soccer team to this year’s Pacific Games in Samoa.
“I would like to thank God for all he has done in my life (and) I would not have made it this far if it was not for Him,” Maino told more than 400 guests, including Prime Minister James Marape.
“To our Miss Pacific Islands Leoshina Kariha the shoes you have left are humongous to fill. What you have done for PNG we ought to be proud of you.
“In the recent Pacific Games, our theme was one team one dream. With that same theme that is how I am going to represent PNG in the Miss Pacific Islands regional pageant which will be held here.”
Maino won K6,000 and will represent PNG at the regional event for the Miss Pacific Islands pageant in November.
Miss PNG Air Services Helen Ipauki was first runner up and Miss East New Britain Ellen Morgan the second runner up.

From left: Miss PNG Air Services Helen Ipauki, Miss Jack’s Madang Lavianna Leong, Miss Sanctuary and Rapopo Resorts Natasha Metta, Miss Pacific Leoshina Kariha, Miss IBS Magarita Sariman, Miss East New Britain Ellen Morgan, and Miss Pacific Islands PNG Lucy Maino performing an opening dance during the crowning night at the Stanley Hotel and Suites in Port Moresby on Saturday. n Report on Page 3. – Nationalpic by KENNEDY BANI


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