Major changes to Miss America to be announced


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Gretchen Carlson, the chair of the Board of Trustee of the Miss America Organization, is scheduled to announce changes to the pageant Tuesday on ABC's Good Morning America.

Good Morning America promoted the interview segment on Friday, saying "former Miss America Gretchen Carlson is leading the change and what she is about to reveal will definitely surprise you."

Carlson, a former Miss America 1989, was elected the lead the Board of Directors in January. A December email scandal caused the former CEO and Board Chairman Sam Haskell to resign, along with several Miss America board member. Several past Miss Americas and state titleholders have taken positions with the organization, with an all-female leadership team for the first time in Miss America's nearly 100-year history.

The Miss America Organization secured $4.325 million in funding for the 2018 competition from the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority in March. The official announcement of the competition returning to Boardwalk Hall and ABC television was made on May 24.


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