Make Us Proud At Miss World 2019- Inna Patty Urges Miss Ghana


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22-Nov-2019 Rebecca Nana Adwoa Kwabi

Miss Ghana 2019 Rebecca Nana Adwoa Kwabi arrived in London yesterday ahead of the Miss World 2019 finale.

The 69th edition of the Miss World pageant is scheduled to take place in London on December 14, 2019.

Vanessa Ponce from Mexico, who won the pageant last year, would crown her successor at the end of the event which would parade different queens from around the world.

Rebecca left Ghana for London on the night of Wednesday, November 20, armed with hopes to make her country proud in London.

“All the very best @_missghana 2019. Make us proud and above all have lots of fun @missworld 2019. It’s an experience of a life time! Go @beccakwabi,” Inna Patty, CEO of Miss Ghana Organisation, said in a farewell message to the queen.

Rebecca Nana Adwoa Kwabi was crowned Miss Ghana 2019 on July 6 at a beautiful ceremony at the Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel in Accra. She beat several other beautiful contestants in the highly competitive event to win the coveted title of the Miss Ghana 2019 contest.

She would be taking part in different activities at the world pageant. Among them are press launch, head-to-head draw, top model auditions, charity ball, top model final, Oxford University debate, Miss World sports day, visit to the English National Opera and judges’ interviews. The rest include an afternoon tea at the House of Lords, boat trip press conference on the River Thames and several others before the main event.


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