Margo Fargo flies SA’s flag high at Miss Earth 2018


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November 6, 2018 | by Tinashe Venge

Margo Fargo, who might be the most brilliantly named pageant winner in South African history, made the country proud at this weekend’s Miss Earth 2018 pageant
The dazzling and environmentally conscious 25-year-old from the Free State flew over to the Philippines for this year’s edition of the global Miss Earth pageant. While most pageants are aimed at providing social impact, Miss Earth, as its name suggests, is dedicated to making a profound impact on the global environment and enforcing sustainable innovations in communities across the planet. In other words, it’s a pageant for a real and tangible cause!

Margo, who was crowned Miss Earth SA in May this year, represented Mzansi on the grand stage and made the country proud as she reached the top 12 of this year’s pageant
Although she lost out to the eventual winner, Vietnam’s Phuong Khanh Nguyen, Margo was bursting with excitement after an unforgettable experience.

She shared an elated message on Instagram where she wrote:

“I’d dream about this day and had no idea how it would happen. I had the time of my life walking for my country. I loved every moment. To have made it to top 12 is a mere position and no limitation. God is only getting warmed up,”


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