Margo Fargo shines on stage at Miss Earth 2018


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2018-11-05 16:45

Johannesburg – Former Miss South Africa finalist Margo Fargo owned the stage when she represented SA in the Miss Earth pageant held in the Philippines on 3 November.

The beauty queen made it all the way to the top 12 of the competition, with Phuong khanh Nguyen from Vietnam eventually taking home the crown.

“I would dream about this day and had no idea how it would happen. I had the time of my life walking for my country. I loved every moment. To have made it to top 12 is a mere position and no limitation. God is only getting warmed up,” Margo wrote on Instagram.

Margo shared pictures of herself from the swimsuit round of the competition, gave us a look at her national costume as well as the beautiful evening dress she wore.


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