Marìa Gòmez Rodrìguez appointed Miss World Salamanca 2020


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March 23, 2020

Marìa Gòmez Rodrìguez has been elected to represent the province of Salamanca at the national pageant of Miss World Spain 2020. Marìa Gòmez Rodrìguez succeeded Miss World Salamanca 2019 Elizabeth Martín.

The 20-year-old is a student of a medium degree in Pharmacy and works as a professional model and stewardess. She is happy to be a part of the contest and hopes to receive the support of her family and friends in her new journey.

The newly elected beauty queen expressed her excitement on social media in a post captioned, “When I learned that I represented Salamanca I felt very excited and eager to represent my city. Representing Salamanca is a pride for me, it is the city where I was born and of that I feel very proud, I hope to lose the height”.

Marìa feels that she has the ability and skills to represent Spain at Miss World 2020. The young beauty is very optimistic and kind-hearted. She wants to use her experience and knowledge she has gained by studying Pharmacy and put it to a good use and help others whenever she can.


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