Marisa Butler to represent USA at Miss Earth 2020


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April 15, 2020

Beauty queen Marisa Paige Butler who represented United States at Miss World 2018 will now represent Maine at Miss Earth USA 2020. The gorgeous beauty is an example of hard work, vision and dedication towards something good. Her hard work and dedication to represent her country at international pageant was clear and precise in her mind and thus, she decided to participate in Miss Earth USA 2020 and aims to win.

Marisa’s most noteworthy conservation effort was during her time as a volunteer for NOAA’s Corporative Shark Tagging Program. She now helps restore wildlife habitats in San Diego for the endangered California Least Terns. She has her own project #ServiceSaturday project which was her weekly volunteer day but is now an online movement that aims to get people to schedule time in their week to give back to their community by utilizing their unique skill sets and interest. By making volunteering more personable, you are more likely to follow through long term.

The #ServiceSaturday project includes volunteering to maintain the endangered California Least Terns nesting sites in San Diego, organizing multiple beach clean ups with friends, and volunteering with the San Diego River Park foundation and San Diego Canyon Lands. Marisa wants to expand her project into schools so that more young students are encourage to view their efforts and shared space and volunteer to help the community.

The 26 year old has worked with various designers, photographers and brands which has helped her in gaining more experience in terms of modeling on-stage and being confident in front of the camera. She is a quick learner and is very excited to learn new things from people she works with. She has adapted the quality of working on herself the way she is guided by her mentors to ace her performance. With her strong opinions, beauty and confidence, she can be a front runner for the win.


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