Marry Chiwenga reflects on pageant


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By Newsday - October 22, 2018

MISS World Zimbabwe licence holder, Marry Chiwenga, has a few nuggets of wisdom for the country’s new queen — Belinda Hajirah Potts.


The late Kiki Divaris’ shoes may be too big to fill, but if only Potts would carry the late modelling and fashion icon like a fire in her heart, she would be a success, according to Marry.

In a wide-ranging interview with NewsDay Life & Style at her Borrowdale Brooke residence on Friday, Marry said she was grateful for the participation of the Greek community at the pageant.

“The participation of the Greek community at Miss World Zimbabwe is very much appreciated as they carry the spirit of the late modelling icon Kiki Divaris into the pageant. She is and will always be the greatest and most important part of the event as without her there is no Miss World Zimbabwe,” she said.

“Her memory lives on forever in us and every queen that reigns must always remember to carry her in their hearts as she is the icon that made some of us who we are today.”

Marry, who became the chairperson and patron of the then Miss Zimbabwe pageant in 2012 before stepping down this year and entrusting a nine-member executive with the pageant’s affairs, said Kiki would live on through the pageant.

She said she was pleased with the way the executive handled the auditions and finals of MWZ pageant.

“The Miss Zimbabwe Trust executive worked very hard to make the pageant a success. Miss World Zimbabwe is not an easy event to organise as it involves a lot of personnel, both local and international, but they did it the same way I would have done it had I still been playing the same active role,” she said.

The former model said she was proud of the team as it had mastered what she taught them and also expressed gratitude to their partners, and singled out Big Time Strategic Group, as the anchor sponsor.

“The executive team chose a great panel of judges who did not disappoint given the results that they came up with, together with Grant Thornton auditors. They chose the perfect epitome of a queen Belinda Hajirah Potts who will no doubt disappoint our Zimbabwe on the world ramp,” she said.

Marry described the queen as a beautiful and humble person adding, that she has so far seen how dedicated she was not only to the crown, but to the Miss Zimbabwe Trust as well.


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