Maureen Montagne leaves for Albania to vie in Miss Globe 2021


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By: Micah Sophia C. Marcellones - CDN Digital Content Specialist | October 20, 2021 - 04:35 PM

Maureen Montagne | Instagram

CEBU, Philippines — Maureen Montagne flew out to Albania to represent the country in the Miss Globe pageant scheduled on November 5.

On Instagram, the beauty queen posted a photo of her at the airport shortly before her departure.

“And we’re off team Philippines. Thank you to everyone who has helped me thus far on my pageant journey! ” she captioned her post.

Montagne expressed her excitement “to see what adventures lay ahead.”

Binibining Pilipinas on Instagram shared the same photos that captioned, “She’s ready for Globe!”

Leren Baustista was named the second runner-up in the Miss Globe 2019 contest while Rowena Sasuluya was the fourth runner-up in last year’s competition.

Ann Colis was the first Filipina to win the Miss Globe title in 2015. /rcg


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