Meet the 2 showbiz personalities joining Miss World Philippines 2018


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Alyssa Muhlach Alvarez and Chanel Morales are two of the 40 candidates in this year's batch

Alexa Villano

Published 3:00 PM, August 26, 2018

BEAUTY QUEEN ASPIRANTS. Showbiz personalities Chanel Morales (L) and Alyssa Muhlach Alvarez are trying their luck in pageantry with Miss World Philippines. Screenshots from Instagram/@chanelmorales/@alyssamuhlach

MANILA, Philippines – Katarina Rodriguez is not the only candidate everyone is watching out for in this year's Miss World Philippines. Aside from the crossover candidates and pageant repeaters, two young women from showbiz are stepping in to a different sort of limelight in hopes of winning the title. (LIST: Candidates for Miss World Philippines 2018)

Alyssa Muhlach Alvarez is the daughter of actress Almira Muhlach and former basketball player Bong Alvarez. An accomplished singer, she belongs to a showbiz clan that includes uncle Aga Muhlach and aunt, Miss Universe Philippines 1994 Charlene Gonzalez.

Chanel Morales came into the spotlight as an aspirant of TV 5's Artista Academy search in 2012. After appearing on the TV 5 show, she appeared in shows on other networks such as ABS-CBN's FPJ's Ang Probinsyano and movies under Regal Films such as The Debuntante.

Rappler got a chance to chat with Chanel and Alyssa via email about their reasons for joining this year's pageant.

Alyssa Muhlach Alvarez

Why did you decide to join Miss World Philippines?

Alyssa: I joined Miss World Philippines because I want to empower and inspire children who grew up abused, abandoned or felt neglected in any way. I want to tell them that their circumstances do not define who they are, but rather it is the choices they make that show who they are. I want to inspire them to dream big because they can achieve anything they want as long as they put their hearts and minds into it.

Can you talk to us about your advocacy? What groups have you been working with?

Alyssa: I am working with Gentle Hands Inc. Their vision is to be a center for rescue and healing of children in crisis. I want to be able to help them work towards improving the lives of these children (who come from situations of crisis, trauma and abuse) through a faith-based and family-centered approach.

If you win Miss World Philippines, what would this mean to you?

Alyssa: I joined Miss World Philippines because of my purpose. I want to win the crown but more than just that, I am in this beauty pageant because I want to make a difference in the world. Winning Miss World Philippines is not about me. It is about the advocacy that I support (Gentle Hands Inc.). It is about the lives that I can help and it is about the change that I can contribute to society.

As someone who is in showbiz, is there an advantage coming into the competition?

Alyssa: The advantage would be knowing how to interact with people. In showbiz, I have met and conversed with a lot of people and I think that is why I am more comfortable and confident to talk in public.

Chanel Morales

Why did you decide to join Miss World Philippines?

Chanel: Ever since [I was young], I’m a fan of beauty pageants and I wanted to live a life with purpose and that is thru the help of Miss World. I also wanted to be a voice to other girls that no matter where you are from and who you are as long as you believe in yourself you can attain anything in life.

Can you talk to us about your advocacy? What groups have you been working with?

Chanel: My advocacy is to help and support the elderly. My parents and I had been helping a small community back in my hometown Bacolod City, Negros Occidental for 6 years now. And I want to personally extend my help together with the Miss World Organization to those who are abandoned by their families and who aren’t able to provide for themselves anymore.

If you win Miss World Philippines, what would this mean to you?

Chanel: It would mean the WORLD to me! It’s a huge responsibility that I’m willing to take not only I can make the people who believes in me happy; but also I can make my purpose in life a reality and that is actually to share my blessings and talents to the people who need it the most.

As someone who is in showbiz, is there an advantage coming into the competition?

Chanel: The advantage is really more about knowing how to deal with other people/ having enough confidence just being in front of the camera.



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