Meet the Miss South Africa 2019 judges


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From left: Liesl Laurie, Bokang MontjaneTshabalala, Andiswa Manxiwa, Danielle Weakley and Leandie du Randt. Picture: Supplied.

Miss South Africa 2019 have announced the judges for this year's pageant.

The list includes actress and motivational speaker Leandie du Randt, broadcaster and Miss SA 2015 Liesl Laurie, former runway model and casting director Andiswa Manxiwa, Miss SA 2010 Bokang Montjane-Tshabalala and Women’s Health editor Danielle Weakley.

For the next fortnight, Miss SA semi-finalists will be out to impress the judges and Bokang Montjane-Tshabalala explains what she will be looking for in a new Miss South Africa: “I want a young focused woman who will be a great ambassador for our country and a great role model for the youth.

"I’m looking for someone who is genuine and passionate about her causes to make a difference and change lives. So my advice is simple: Come prepared if you really want the title - seize the moment and give us your all. Stay true to your views, be authentic, give us who you are and not who you think we want you to be.”

Danielle Weakley says that she's all for strong and healthy women. “As editor of 'Women’s Health', I’m all for strong, not skinny, women who are healthy and fierce - both inside and out.

"I’m looking for a Miss South Africa who empowers women, not just with her story and her journey but with a powerful body, positive outlook and energy that inspires other women. That, and an understanding that as women we are always better together. Be comfortable in your own skin. Own your authenticity, your voice, your smarts, your beauty – and just relax and enjoy the ride.”

Miss South Africa takes place on Women’s Day, August 9, at Sun International’s flagship venue, the Sun Arena at Time Square, Pretoria and will be broadcast live on both M-Net and Mzanzi Magic.


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